

We are trusted by leading companies and government organizations. We
have installed systems for Yosemite National Park, Long Beach Airport,
McDonald’s, San Diego School District, Pomona College, Church of
Latter Day Saints, New American Home and more.

Yosemite National Park

Why Go Solar Electricity


Save Money

Solar energy saves money in every category; electricity, hot water, and pool heating. Payback periods are fast with double-digit Return on investment (ROI) for those who pay cash. Simple ZERO down financing programs are available and the monthly payments are almost always lower than your average electric bill is right now so savings is immediate.

Increase Your Property Value

“Home buyers consistently have been willing to pay more for a property with PV across a variety of states, housing and PV markets, and home types.” – NREL Selling into the Sun, Price Premium Analysis of a Multi-State Dataset of Solar Homes, January 19, 2015

Create a better, cleaner future

By replacing traditional energy sources that rely on fossil fuels, you help eliminate the toxic emissions that pollute our environment and create healthcare problems. Solar energy is good for you and good for the planet.
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Gain Energy Independence

Owning is profitable, renting is not. Why continue to rent your electricity? With a solar electricity (photovoltaic) system, you can generate your own free solar electricity and even sell what you don’t use to the utility company!

Rebates and Tax Incentives

Why Choose Suntrek?


25 Year Warranty

With a 25 year warranty and an estimated life of 40 years, your durable Suntrek photovoltaic system will give you decades of free energy and peace of mind.

Options to Lease or Own

We have many options and can create a solution specific to your needs
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It’s nice to have options

As a product neutral photovoltaic contractor, we can provide you with solar electricity options.

What Our Clients Are Saying